Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Ready for Hurricane Season?

If you've been in South Carolina for any amount of time you know that we're on the verge of Hurricane Season. The season starts in June so we only have a few more weeks. To gear up for this, Hurricane Preparedness Week is May 20-26. That means it's the perfect time to make sure you are prepared. The first step, of course is to make sure you have a solid (up to date) plan in place for possible hurricane related disasters as well as other disasters that may occur throughout the year. The second step is to make sure staff are educated about your procedures. I've recently provided suggestions for a couple of libraries in the state and I'm happy to provide assistance if you need any. So, please don't hesitate to contact me. If you need to create a plan, update one or just want a little more awareness, here are some sites I've found that you might also find useful:

Hope these help and, don't forget... We have an email you can use to report any disasters you have in your library. It is disaster@statelibrary.sc.gov. All emails from this account go to myself, the Director and our Library Development Director. We want to know if anything is happening in your library so we can provide assistance as needed. Of course, you can always give us a call or email us directly. If there's anything else you think we can do to help you guys, please let us know. Have a great day everyone!

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